Hai, balik lagi sama saya... Ezra!!
fyuh... pake inggris mulu kemarin :v cape ngetik,.. tapi sekarang balik lagi aja sama Nanatsu no Taizai, yg sekarang episode spesialnya udh rilis... sama manganya udh jauh. jadi mau bahas-bahas sedikit...
1). Merlin dan Meliodas hidup kembali!
untuk Meliodas, dia dibunuh oleh Estarossa dgn menusuk seluruh jantung yg dimiliki Meliodas. Tapi, sebenarnya Meliodas tidak mati, melainkan jiwanya terkirim ke "Ruang Penyucian" dimana dia harus melawan seseorang di tempat penyucian itu. Dan alhasil, dia bankit kembali dgn kekuatan penuhnya di masa lalu kembali (ditandai dgn tanda iblisnya kembali seperti dirinya di 3000 tahun yg lalu).
untuk Merlin yg agak mengerikan, dia hidup kembali dgn tiba-tiba, setelah dia menjadi batu saat di Camelot melawan Galan. ya, sebabnya akan saya jelaskan dibawah.
2). Asal-Usul Merlin pun terungkap!
Yap... ini dari chapter yg baru di release. jadi, kita sudah punya kekuatan inti dari masing-masing "Dosa".
a. Meliodas: Full Counter (Counter)
b. Diane: Creation
c. Ban: Snatch
d. King: Disaster
e. Gowther: Invasion
f. Escanor: Sunshine
g. Merlin: Infinity
Merlin menjelaskan bahwa dia bisa membuat sesuatu menjadi abadi dan inipun berlaku pada dirinya sendiri. dia menggunakan kekuatan ini agar dia bisa mempelajari seluruh sihir hingga ke pelosok dunia. maka dari itu, Merlin, si Dosa Babi Rakus, mendapat gelar ini karena dia rakus akan ilmu pengetahuan. diapun sudah menyatakan kalau dia sudah berada di titik dimana dia tidak bisa merasa puas lagi.
Juga... Merlin membuka sendiri identitasnya. ya... walau sedikit. Merlin menyatakan kalau dia tidak mempan dengan kutukan Commandment, lalu dia bukan manusia. juga mungkin bukan magician karena identitasnya adalah putri dari Belialin yang Nama aslinya bahkan tidak bisa disebutkan dan didengar oleh manusia.
Karena itu, bisa dibilang dia adalah orang terkuat dari anggota Nanatsu no Taizai. lagipula, dia bisa mengontrol semua anggota NnT atau bisa dibilang, Merlin adalah wakil ketua. fakta unik merlin ialah, dia tidak ingin bermusuhan dengan Meliodas karena kekuatannya sangat besar. bisa dibilang Meliodas adalah musuh paling merepotkan bagi Merlin.
Ok, selesai!! kasih komen dan likenya juga bookmark untuk melihat postingan lainnya lagi ya...
Bye Bye!
Anime, Manga, & Game Lovers
Senin, 12 September 2016
Minggu, 04 September 2016
Legends of Vin and Khan vs The Legend of Leo ( -3-) (discussion)
Hi... This is me again... Ezra...
Seems like noone doesn't like my version... Well actually it's fine... I made for myself btw.. But i just want to do some experiment to my story that it can be big... But i was wrong
.. Seems like a lot of people think that the next avatar should be Twins... So that's why i will discuss about it... So let's do this!!
1). Twin avatar concept
I think it's a good idea at first, there would be 2 avatars in one series but have you seen it again? What would happen after they are dead? Of course! Reincarnation and avatar cycle goes on... But is it a bit wierd to have 2 avatars? One is earthbender (vin) and the other is firebender (khan). If they're killed or dead, there would be airbender and waterbender avatar that would come... But will they be a team? Or will they be a relatives? Or if they are, then it would become an interesting story! But i yhink it makes nosense... I'm afraid that it would be apocalypse if there is 2 avatar which is from divided spirit of raava. And the cause is harmonic convergence? I think it's too extreme that harmonic convergence could make some big differences... So in the last, twin kind avatar would be bad...
But i have another idea... How is if twin avatar is bad and good avatar? The original avatar who is from raava and the other is from vaatu who become dark avatar... The reincarnation of unalaq from the legend of korra... The twin avatars are earthbender, the difference is that good avatar would be like vin and the other has the personality like khan but he is an earthbender who can bend any kind of earth related elements, like seismic detection, lavabending, metal bending, sand bending, or even forestbending or nature bending... :D
And they will fight each other and make chaos... There would be new books, book 1 family, book 2 war, book 3 chaos, book 4 harmony. Just imagine how the story will be like... :D
2). New nations of new bending (reference: book 3 elements from avatar vin and khan)
We have same taste actually :D the difference is where you put it... I put it at book 2 when you put it at book 3 and the name is different too, mine is book 2 Heroic ( reference: dragon city) and his is book 3 elements.
His version is there will be 4 new nations... There are forest bending which is based on earth bending... This bending is actually as same as my nature bending... But the difference is that nature bending is the combination of water and earth so the bender can bend earth and water. And his version is a special bending, it's like metal bending in legend of korra.
The second one is gravity bending... Which is a bending that let someone do psycokinesis or levitation... It's basically the next level of air bending... My version is same too, gravity bending... But it's one of 4 legendary bending... Which is Avatar state, Crystal bending, Mirror or Glass bending and the last, Gravity bending... The special bendings is Book 2 Heroic content... But it's super rare in my version... In history there is only 2 or maybe 3 people, an airbender who gave clue to zaheer how to fly, second is zaheer himself and the third is one of bad guys in book 2 heroic... In his version, gravity bending is a viral and become a nation because of lots of people who can do it... Next is light bending... It's basically firebending... But in my version... The light bender has to master lightning and firebending first, and with some intense exercise, lightning bending can transformed into light bending... In my version... It's also rare but it's not as rare as gravity one... The last is emeber bending which is basically waterbending... In my version it could be glass bending but it's also super rare and there's only 3 people who can perform it, first is a waterbender avatar who accidently bend undestructable water (which is glass), second is the main antagonis of book 2, and the last is Leo himself (my avatar). Well... I like how it's being used for unique armor and stuff for ember bending... I think it's agood idea... But, the cause is pretty ridiculous... It's because harmonic convergence? Once again, harmonic convergence can't make such a big change to the world
3). Scientist who claims that he can make someone become a bender
Same like my story in book 1 avatar, instead his version is on 2nd book split...
The difference is only, the scientist from my story is the main antagonists while his is side antagonist, mine can't make someone to become 4 elements bender due to the side effect of the spiritual energy while his version is somehow can do it...
4). Book 4 Chaos in his version somehow is as same as my version, Book 3 Ancient
It's due to the chaos which is happened to the world... While his version is about war among 8 nations and mine is about the essence of existence, Nova is awaken and tired of humankind, so he wants to destroy the earth... The darkness is as same as mine... Dark story here is really makes someone uncomfortable so that's why i think my or his version is not for kids... The difference is that his version is being solved immediately and become the ending, while mine is that the problem solved with some cliffhanger due to Leo being unconscious in the 4th dimension after the battle against the existence and being sent to the future (which is the time when the next harmonic convergence will be happened in about 2 years left) to finish the problems and find the true balance, harmony (Book 4: Harmony).
5). In my story, the big differences is caused by the burst of harmonic convergence 10.000 years after korra and there would be a big change in the end of the story because Book 4: Harmony is about finding the true balance, Harmony and it's solved by making a new spirit portal.
That's why... My version is really heavy in the story... The solution is really extreme which has to make a new spirit portal which is will be added at New York city in the present day due to the war against government and avatar Leo. And because of that, there is a new big change after the harmonic convergence while in war... All humans is being purified and the number of benders and non benders become balance and harmony can be achieved...
That's it i guess i just want to compare my story with his version... This is only for fun and some fix for his version... Although maybe some people don't care and just don't give a sh*t ( '3')... And thanks for your attention, and give a like and bookmark this blog for more information and discussion... And comment everything... I just really want to know what do you think... Leave it in the comment... And as always... Bye Bye Everyone!!! ( ^w^)/
Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016
The Legends of Leo Book 1: Avatar 阿凡達
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Only a cinematic pictures :D imagine that Avatar Wan as Leo in this pic |
I think a lot of people just don't care about my version of Avatar after Korra in the last posting. idk why, but i feel like it... So i'll explain it more detail right now :D i'd like to see your respond in the comments :D So, here it is :3
First, 阿凡達 Book 1 Avatar, From the last posting... I only post about the condition and the name of episodes but not the story so Here it is...
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maybe this is the character that would be good for Leo, only early suggestion :3 |
Travis takes Leo to northern air temple in Iceland (which is near from North pole where Northern water Tribe lives). Travis trains Leo to master Airbending style and also it's culture. in only few weeks, Leo can master airbend which is somehow faster then Travis had thought. As soon as that, Travis takes Leo to Southern Water Tribe to learn waterbending style and it's culture too.
At the Southern water tribe, they meet the doctor of the tribe, Lyla who is Travis' Wife. Travis asks her to teach Leo waterbend but she can't. but someone could help she guess. Lyla take them to her home, There is 2 Children, an active air boy and a girl. they are Travis' and Lyla's Children and They're Twins! the boy is Raka, He is the younger brother of his sister, Rika. Rika is revealed as a waterbender and she will perform a dance for her puberty (idk what to say, sorry for my bad english :( ) Leo is asked to join with her as a partner because the dance need a pair of young man. so, he started to learn waterbend from her and train the dance with her.
Btw, the dance is called The Moon and The Ocean which is symbolized the connection of water and the moon, Rika will role as The Moon Spirit and Leo will be The Ocean Spirit, They trained hard for a perfect result. And at last, they perform it, The dance was so beautiful until the audience just can't say anything but a large impressions and claphands, As soon as that, W.D Aster and his army invades the South pole and asks Leo to give up, but He won't. With the power of Air and Water which has been perfected, He can Icebending and Trap Aster and his Army in a huge Ice ball and then he pushed them to the large ocean. He saves the Southern Water Tribe and being respected by all citizens there, Leo and Travis continue their journey, and also they take Rika in to join with them as waterbending mentor for Leo. They then leave south pole to China, to meet someone which is Travis' old friend who can teach Leo to master Earthbend. His name is Aaron. They meet them and learn about Ba Sing Se, unique bendings which has connection with earth. Leo can bend metal and lava here, Leo and Friends thanks to him so much, but they don't know how to find Firebending master. Aaron helps them, he said that he has a friend from America who capable to teach Leo, but instead of Help, Leo and others are fallen into a trap while sailing to America continent and being unable to get free from the ship. They escape from there by a good fight and they did it.
but as a result, They lost dicrections, they're hungry and incapable to hold anymore, Leo which fell unconscious, slips from Travis' flying bison's back and falls into a mysterious jungle which is The Swamp, Travis and Rika also get lost with their bison in the other side of the swamp, they were looking for him. Meanwhile, Leo finds someone inside the swamp who is a Naturebender, the combination of Water and Earth bending. Btw, his name is Boron. He tells about nature to Leo and how it lives. He tells Leo about how Life goes in this Mortal Realm. Leo learns a lot from him, He also learns Naturebending's basic move, but, he failed. as soon as that, Leo remembers about his Friends, Leo asks Boron but He only can take Leo to the swamp's core, The big tree in the center of the swamp. Boron tells him how to do it, Leo does what he says and Leo finds them. they then are taken to Leo's position, using Boron's bending. They then meet and miss each other, they then ask to Boron about Fire nation and Firebending master, Boron then takes them to Mexico to meet his brother, Mokou, The leader of Firebender society in Mexico and America Latin. He trains Leo firebending and the culture also Lightning bending. Leo master it for only a month. He then thanks to Mokou for his mentoring, Mokou arranges a meeting, which is among Travis, Leo, Rika, Boron and Himself of course. He arranges it as a reunion of the spirit portal guardians, who are the guardians of the spirit portal back in 16 years ago. Boron then asks Leo to master Naturebending and Learn it from him. but before they leave the Nation to go back to the swamp, Mokou warns Leo from Boron.
Leo and Boron had arrived and they train naturebending, but in the end, Leo is binded and Boron seduces him (this reveals that Boron is Gay :( no comments about this guys!!) but Leo knows that Boron only in it for the inner desire, Leo stops him to do it, by getting free from the bindings using Naturebending and then hugs Boron tightly, make him crying on Leo's Shoulder as he knows that he's wrong from doing it in the first place, it's revealed that Boron becomes gay due to past incidents issue, They then go back to Mokou's home and Boron holds Leo tightly... Rika seems shocked, Travis is even more shocked and Mokou is disgusted. He punishes Boron for what he had done, Leo just get his cheek red, well some kind of embarrassing moment. A moment later, Boron tells the other about Leo. He said that Leo can't use his Avatar State
Due to it, Travis immediately takes Leo to Western Air Temple to learn about Avatar State and Avatar cycle. in their journey, there is an intruders who attack them, Hopefully they can do counterattack and avoid the attacks. because of the attack, they decided to rest in the Hawaiian hotel also because of the day which has been nighttime. Btw, Rika and Boron join with Travis and Leo while Mokou decided to stay in his home. in the hotel, Leo get some treatment from Rika due to some injuries from the attack earlier, He gets the treatment at a small pool, She used healing skill to heal Leo. anyway, The earlier intruders are attacking Leo and Rika while doing the treatment, causing some noise. But with teamwork and Leo's advance in offense, the can match up with the intruders, Even, Leo almost kill one of them. at this time, team Avatar wins, Anyway, The intruders are called The Hybrids due to their unique bendings. a Nature bender, Storm bender, Ice bender, Combustion bender and Sand bender.
After that night, next day, They arrived at Western air temple, He then learns about Avatar State and Avatar Cycle, but before he can master it, The other intruders come by and attack the team avatar while they're being separated, scattered along the temple, The one who attacked Leo is a boy who is a Footballer (the combination of Ice bending and Fire bending) who attacked Rika is a solar man (which is actually a man who can Light bending and Fire bending)Who attacked Boron is a bloodbending women (it's recognized that Bloodbending is actually the combination of Waterbending and Darkness) Who attacked Travis is a man who bend earth also Summoning (which is actually summons war spirit from the earth to attack the opponent) They are called The Rare Benders and They are capable to push Team Avatar to the edge, Leo somehow canbe free and run away from them... While the other are still being a prisoner of Dr.Aster.
Leo had lost, He can't save his friend, and also all benders aroud the world which is being attacked by The rare benders and Dr.Aster's Army. but Leo still has the power, He then managed to get to the Southern water tribe to save the citizens again, His opponent isn't the boy, but he is the Summoner, They fight each other. meanwhile, Leo finds out that Travis and Rika is inside of The Summoner's Ship. He then managed to set them free, Leo and The summoner fight each other with all cost, and the result isn't dissapointing, Leo set Travis and Rika free from the Prison and push the troops also The summoner back to the continent with his semi-Avatar state. He then managed to save Boron too, making a deal with Aster to give him back also stop the invading or He'll close all the spirit portals, begin with the Republic City Spirit Portal. But he refused, it's end up became a war between Bender and Non-bender. in the result of the war, Aster is still way more powerful because of his experimental benders and also his technologies, Leo is pushed until he's limit. He then somehow connects with his past lives, Korra and Raava. The Spiritual Connection which caused him to become strong. He then use Avatar State to defeat Aster's Troops and His Experiments also his technologies. Benders are win!!
But, Aster won't be let off his eyes from the power of spiritual energy, Leo then makes him to become a bender so he can wondering himself now, also, he forgives and lets all of Aster's Experiments including The rare benders to keep their bending but for a good thing of course, And he'll teach about bending with his bending mentors for them. And also, all humankind are bow to Leo as He's The Avatar After 10.000 Years after Korra. And his duty to save the world and keep the balance starts now!! :D
And that's it... This is The book 1: Avatar which means The Pathway to become the Avatar. This is still Part one, there will be 3 more chapters in the future... i just want to know what's your opinion about my version of the next avatar after korra :) just put it in the comment section. And also, leave a like and bookmark My Blog for more postings :D i hope you enjoy it.
Also, Add me on:
my Line: ezrallivant_07
my FB: Ezra Aftarekh Arahian
my Twitter: @ezrallivant
my Instagram: ezrallivant
And thanks for reading... leave a comment please? :D and see you next time everyone!! Bye Bye!!!
( >w<)
Selasa, 16 Agustus 2016
English Time!! My own avatar series ( ^_^) *part 1*
Hi... Welcome back to me.... Ezra :D
It's been a long time since then and i'm sorry for the long timespan on posting but i can't do anything because i'm so busy at my school.
So now, i'll post about my own version of the avatar series which actually had been made 3 months ago. And now here it is!! :D
This story is actually purely mine but it's inspired from avatar the legend of korra which is belongs to Bryke and also some bending is inspired by elements from dragon city which belongs to socialpoint. Plus, this is only my theories and stories, also imaginations so, don't take it seriously, Enjoy!! :D
After the death of avatar korra (which is the age factor), she stated that the world will be at peace for centuries. And it's come true... The world is still in balance for thousands of years... Technologies is now developed and benders still leave peacefully, nothings changed so much... But, the revolution begins... Mad scientist, William Duncan Aster has the experiment to turn someone to become a bender by using the spiritual energy which is come out from the spirit portal which is one and only, the republic city portal. He injects the liquid which contains spiritual energy to the receipient, and after some adaptation, the receipient become a bender. This revolution made all benders frightened and feared about this as there'll be no balance if everyone is a bender... The leaders of each bender's nations made a movement to look after the next avatar as their hope but there's nothing. Even they know that the next avatar should be an earthbender but there is no baby look like it... Dr.Aster knew about this and made other experiment so normal bender can bend 2 elements at once... And he did it after many failures but he finds out other thing... He had dicover "hybrid elements" which is the combination of 2 different elements made a new element from those 2. He also made other experiment so bendes can bend 3 elements at once... Aster used them as soldiers or armies or weapons to take down all the benders so he can do his revolution plan by turning people into benders. Also, he needs spiritual energy from any spirit portal to do it... He tried to control over the republic city's portal, which has the exact time of spring and also the Harmonic Convergence will be happened and the food and the bad will fight to decide which era would be happened...
After being beaten up by aster's army, the remaining spirit portal guardians still stand to protect the spirits from him... And suddenly, the Harmonic Convergence started, the republic city portal blasted out the spiritual energy to all over the place/world and seconds later, their bendings are boosted and they could push back all of aster's army.
At the exact moment of Harmonic Convergence started, a baby was born from a non-bender family and accidently, get a lot of spiritual energy, also the spirit of raava went inside, and yeah, his name is Leo the next avatar...
so, the story begins now...
Book 1: Avatar
Tells about how Leo become an avatar from being only a non-bender person with the power of "telekinesis" as he believes to become the avatar both skills and spirituality
He can bend earth since 4 years old, bend fire since 9 years old, bend air since middle school, and can bend water since 16 years old... But for that long time, he only believe that he had a power of telekinesis than a bending skill. But he knows it later, until Dr. aster's son and his friends just bullied Leo by trying to catch and beat him... But they all failed and Leo can escape from it... He stands alone in a park, use his skill once more, then someone reveals which is Leo's Airbending mentor in the future... Later Leo will learn about water, earth and fire from bending art, style, nation, and culture. But he has to fight against Aster as he wants Leo for his experiment. In this book there would be new bendings, such as Nature bending (water+earth bending) Ice bending (water+air bending), steam bending (water+fire), soccer art (fire+ice bending (rare)), Light bending, War soul art(based on earth bending). Leo, also learns how to connect with korra and raava also gains his own avatar state. And he gains new friend or we can call it new team avatar... The countries are different... It's according to our world, earth kingdom changed into earth empire and later became China, Water tribes still live at both polars also russia, greenland, and new zealand, Air nomads are at archipelago countries such as indonesia, japan, philipines,etc. Fire nation had changed totally, now it changed into archipelago at america latin. But some civilization had scattered in all over america, such as brazil, mexico, USA, and so on. The name of country is as same as in our world country and the technologies is like 20 years later from present day...
1) the new avatar
2) Freedom
3) Welcome to southern water tribe
4) the girl who looks the moonlight
5) the moon and ocean dance
6) hidden city of china
7) Ba Sing Se in history
8) unique bendings
9) the betrayal
10) the swamp
11) the man who speaks about nature
12) fire in disguise
13) thunder-man
14) the spirit portal guardians
15) rottening spell
16) the intruders
17) avatar state
18) the Hybrids
19) avatar cycle
20) the Rare Benders
21) the Killing Blow
22) Benders at the edge
23) Clash of humanity
24) Spiritual Connection
Ok that's enough... It's still part one although i've finished the whole story by making 4 books with complete story... And i guess that's it... If you like this post then give it a like and book mark this website if you want to more postings from me and as always... Bye bye , Everyone!!! ( >w<)
It's been a long time since then and i'm sorry for the long timespan on posting but i can't do anything because i'm so busy at my school.
So now, i'll post about my own version of the avatar series which actually had been made 3 months ago. And now here it is!! :D
This story is actually purely mine but it's inspired from avatar the legend of korra which is belongs to Bryke and also some bending is inspired by elements from dragon city which belongs to socialpoint. Plus, this is only my theories and stories, also imaginations so, don't take it seriously, Enjoy!! :D
After the death of avatar korra (which is the age factor), she stated that the world will be at peace for centuries. And it's come true... The world is still in balance for thousands of years... Technologies is now developed and benders still leave peacefully, nothings changed so much... But, the revolution begins... Mad scientist, William Duncan Aster has the experiment to turn someone to become a bender by using the spiritual energy which is come out from the spirit portal which is one and only, the republic city portal. He injects the liquid which contains spiritual energy to the receipient, and after some adaptation, the receipient become a bender. This revolution made all benders frightened and feared about this as there'll be no balance if everyone is a bender... The leaders of each bender's nations made a movement to look after the next avatar as their hope but there's nothing. Even they know that the next avatar should be an earthbender but there is no baby look like it... Dr.Aster knew about this and made other experiment so normal bender can bend 2 elements at once... And he did it after many failures but he finds out other thing... He had dicover "hybrid elements" which is the combination of 2 different elements made a new element from those 2. He also made other experiment so bendes can bend 3 elements at once... Aster used them as soldiers or armies or weapons to take down all the benders so he can do his revolution plan by turning people into benders. Also, he needs spiritual energy from any spirit portal to do it... He tried to control over the republic city's portal, which has the exact time of spring and also the Harmonic Convergence will be happened and the food and the bad will fight to decide which era would be happened...
After being beaten up by aster's army, the remaining spirit portal guardians still stand to protect the spirits from him... And suddenly, the Harmonic Convergence started, the republic city portal blasted out the spiritual energy to all over the place/world and seconds later, their bendings are boosted and they could push back all of aster's army.
At the exact moment of Harmonic Convergence started, a baby was born from a non-bender family and accidently, get a lot of spiritual energy, also the spirit of raava went inside, and yeah, his name is Leo the next avatar...
so, the story begins now...
Book 1: Avatar
Tells about how Leo become an avatar from being only a non-bender person with the power of "telekinesis" as he believes to become the avatar both skills and spirituality
He can bend earth since 4 years old, bend fire since 9 years old, bend air since middle school, and can bend water since 16 years old... But for that long time, he only believe that he had a power of telekinesis than a bending skill. But he knows it later, until Dr. aster's son and his friends just bullied Leo by trying to catch and beat him... But they all failed and Leo can escape from it... He stands alone in a park, use his skill once more, then someone reveals which is Leo's Airbending mentor in the future... Later Leo will learn about water, earth and fire from bending art, style, nation, and culture. But he has to fight against Aster as he wants Leo for his experiment. In this book there would be new bendings, such as Nature bending (water+earth bending) Ice bending (water+air bending), steam bending (water+fire), soccer art (fire+ice bending (rare)), Light bending, War soul art(based on earth bending). Leo, also learns how to connect with korra and raava also gains his own avatar state. And he gains new friend or we can call it new team avatar... The countries are different... It's according to our world, earth kingdom changed into earth empire and later became China, Water tribes still live at both polars also russia, greenland, and new zealand, Air nomads are at archipelago countries such as indonesia, japan, philipines,etc. Fire nation had changed totally, now it changed into archipelago at america latin. But some civilization had scattered in all over america, such as brazil, mexico, USA, and so on. The name of country is as same as in our world country and the technologies is like 20 years later from present day...
1) the new avatar
2) Freedom
3) Welcome to southern water tribe
4) the girl who looks the moonlight
5) the moon and ocean dance
6) hidden city of china
7) Ba Sing Se in history
8) unique bendings
9) the betrayal
10) the swamp
11) the man who speaks about nature
12) fire in disguise
13) thunder-man
14) the spirit portal guardians
15) rottening spell
16) the intruders
17) avatar state
18) the Hybrids
19) avatar cycle
20) the Rare Benders
21) the Killing Blow
22) Benders at the edge
23) Clash of humanity
24) Spiritual Connection
Ok that's enough... It's still part one although i've finished the whole story by making 4 books with complete story... And i guess that's it... If you like this post then give it a like and book mark this website if you want to more postings from me and as always... Bye bye , Everyone!!! ( >w<)
Selasa, 31 Mei 2016
Nanatsu no Taizai. About Original Ten Commandments!!! XD (Spoiler Alert!!)
Hoi!! balik lagi sama saya Ezra...
Udah lama gk nge-post... :3 tapi gk apa;apa... Akhirnya ada kemauan Nge-post lagi :v
Sekarang saya bakal bahas Nanatsu no Taizai lagi :v berhubung saya emang suka banget Nanatsu no Taizai yg manganya lagi rame banget.... :3 OK MARI MULAI!!! :D
Pertama-tama, saya kasih gambar ini dulu berhubung ini dari chapter baru :)
So.... dari gambar di atas apa yg kalian pikir?
Yup!! Original Ten Commandments :) dan rupanya Meliodas itu Kapten mereka lho!! (liat yg ditengah noh!)
Dan dia adalah kakak dari Estarossa dan Zeldris yg berarti Estarossa itu bukan kakak dari meliodas tapi ADIK!! :'v (liat disebelah kanan gambar, ada member yg mirip kaya meliodas dan keliatan lebih Chibi :'v nah itu orangya :v)
Yup, salah statement dari post-post sebelumnya :v tapi gk apa-apa... sekarang kita kupas lagi, OK?! :v
Hal lainnya, Rupanya Meliodas itu SANGAT KUAT!! Bahkan klan dewi gk bisa lawan dia :'v dan Bahkan, dia mungkin saja dinobatkan menjadi Raja Iblis Selanjutnya!! (liat aja di gambar diatas... ada tertera disitu)
Tapi, karena ada alasan atau apalah... Meliodas berkhianat dan bahkan sampai membunuh 2 rekannya di Ten Commandments (yg rupanya pendahulu Dolor dan Gloxinia sekarang) bahkan kata Estarossa, kehadiran Dolor dan Gloxinia yg baru bergabung tidak bisa menggantikan posisi ke 2 member tersebut (mungkin, gk sama kuat? :/) dan maka dari itu, kenapa Klan dewi mau ngebunuh Meliodas lewat Ban waktu itu, Gara-gara Meliodas itu Terlalu Kuat!! tapi mungkin saat ini melemah.
(Sedih Rasanya :'3)
Ok, selesai sama Meliodas mari kita bahas yg lain :v
Selanjutnya, Gowther... Terlihat di sebelah kiri gambar yg agak tinggi pake kacamata... Nah, itu dia :v
kalo liat gambar ini, berarti Gowther itu klan Iblis... bukan Boneka... lagipula, tubuhnya sama... jadi tubuhnya selama ini ya itu. Atau mungkin.... bisa aja klo dia kehilangan tubuhnya pas perang kaya Fraudrin habis itu dibikin tubuh boneka sama penyihir tua yg mirip kaya tubuh asli Gowther... mungkin bisa, tapi apa Gowther kaya Fraudrin ya? gk juga sih... pas perang dia kan kena Commandmentnya sendiri yaitu, Selflessness jadi dia kehilangan Ingatan dan Emosinya sehingga dia jadi kaya sekarang... Cinta aja gk tau -_-
Ok, karena Gowther udh... jadi kita bahas aja yg di foto itu, karena menarik buat diliat isinya :v (berhubung Gowther sama Meliodas itu the Seven Deadly Sins jadinya didahuluin :) )
1. Dari gambar itu, Kita tau klo Meliodas itu Kapten mereka sebelum dia berkhianat dan digantikan oleh adiknya, Zeldris
2. Gowther adalah Klan Iblis, karena digambar itu (mungkin) adalah saat Ten Commandments masih baru dibentuk. dan yg menjadi Ten Commandments itu adalah member yg dipilih adlah Iblis terkuat dari semua Iblis di Dunianya (mungkin Neraka, ya?)
3. Estarossa terlihat lebih muda dari Meliodas, Berarti Meliodas adalah kakak dari Estarossa
4. bisa terlihat Galan, Merascylla, Derrierrie, Monspiet, dan Estarossa yg merupakan Anggota yg belum tergantikan (Mungkin bakal diganti untuk Galan karena dia udh jadi batu pas ngelawan Escanor dan buat Merascylla, mungkin dia bakal diganti berhubung dia udah disembuhin sama Gloxinia tapi malah dipatahin lehernya sama Ban di Chapter sekarang.)
5. Dari gambar diatas, kita jadi tau klo rupanya Grey Lord, Fraudrin, Dolor, Gloxinia, dan Zeldris adalah member pengganti dari member yg telah meninggalkan status keanggotaannya di Ten Commandments.
Maksudnya dari Statement ke 5 itu adalah ini:
1. Gloxinia dan Dolor merupakan pengganti dari member yg telah dibunuh oleh Meliodas saat dia mengkhianati Klan Iblis
2. Grey Lord merupakan pengganti karena tidak ada dia di gambar. Ditambah lagi bisa saja salah satu member diatas terbunuh saat perang suci 3000 tahun lalu
(member yg mati adalah, yg melayang-layang di udara deket leher Galan, mungkin pendahulu Gloxinia, Raksasa besar yg cuman keliatan mukanya aja, mungkin pendahulu Dolor. dan yg tengah atas, yg punya kumis yg WOW :'V mungkin pendahulu Grey Lord)
3. Fraudrin adalah pengganti Gowther. Dia sendiri yg bilang saat dia ditangkap oleh kelompok The Pleiades of Azure Sky (maaf klo salah :p)
4. Zeldris, Sang Kapten, pasti menggantikan Meliodas. saat Meliodas berkhianat, pasti posisi kapten di Ten Commandments kosong. sehingga, Zeldris yg masih remaja(?) dan sudah cukup kuat untuk disetarakan dengan kakaknya walau gk sama bgt, Dia ditunjuk untuk menjadi Kapten Ten Commandments, menggantikan Meliodas.
Ok, Segitu aja ya :) klo mau comment, nambahin isinya, atau ngebenerin info yg salah, silahkan, dan beri 1+ atau like. Saya pasti Appresiasi buat yg kasih saya like :) dan Bookmark site ini klo mau liat ada postingan baru :) Segitu aja, dan.... Bye Bye, Semua!!! :)
Udah lama gk nge-post... :3 tapi gk apa;apa... Akhirnya ada kemauan Nge-post lagi :v
Sekarang saya bakal bahas Nanatsu no Taizai lagi :v berhubung saya emang suka banget Nanatsu no Taizai yg manganya lagi rame banget.... :3 OK MARI MULAI!!! :D
Pertama-tama, saya kasih gambar ini dulu berhubung ini dari chapter baru :)
So.... dari gambar di atas apa yg kalian pikir?
Yup!! Original Ten Commandments :) dan rupanya Meliodas itu Kapten mereka lho!! (liat yg ditengah noh!)
Dan dia adalah kakak dari Estarossa dan Zeldris yg berarti Estarossa itu bukan kakak dari meliodas tapi ADIK!! :'v (liat disebelah kanan gambar, ada member yg mirip kaya meliodas dan keliatan lebih Chibi :'v nah itu orangya :v)
Yup, salah statement dari post-post sebelumnya :v tapi gk apa-apa... sekarang kita kupas lagi, OK?! :v
Hal lainnya, Rupanya Meliodas itu SANGAT KUAT!! Bahkan klan dewi gk bisa lawan dia :'v dan Bahkan, dia mungkin saja dinobatkan menjadi Raja Iblis Selanjutnya!! (liat aja di gambar diatas... ada tertera disitu)
Tapi, karena ada alasan atau apalah... Meliodas berkhianat dan bahkan sampai membunuh 2 rekannya di Ten Commandments (yg rupanya pendahulu Dolor dan Gloxinia sekarang) bahkan kata Estarossa, kehadiran Dolor dan Gloxinia yg baru bergabung tidak bisa menggantikan posisi ke 2 member tersebut (mungkin, gk sama kuat? :/) dan maka dari itu, kenapa Klan dewi mau ngebunuh Meliodas lewat Ban waktu itu, Gara-gara Meliodas itu Terlalu Kuat!! tapi mungkin saat ini melemah.
(Sedih Rasanya :'3)
Ok, selesai sama Meliodas mari kita bahas yg lain :v
Selanjutnya, Gowther... Terlihat di sebelah kiri gambar yg agak tinggi pake kacamata... Nah, itu dia :v
kalo liat gambar ini, berarti Gowther itu klan Iblis... bukan Boneka... lagipula, tubuhnya sama... jadi tubuhnya selama ini ya itu. Atau mungkin.... bisa aja klo dia kehilangan tubuhnya pas perang kaya Fraudrin habis itu dibikin tubuh boneka sama penyihir tua yg mirip kaya tubuh asli Gowther... mungkin bisa, tapi apa Gowther kaya Fraudrin ya? gk juga sih... pas perang dia kan kena Commandmentnya sendiri yaitu, Selflessness jadi dia kehilangan Ingatan dan Emosinya sehingga dia jadi kaya sekarang... Cinta aja gk tau -_-
Ok, karena Gowther udh... jadi kita bahas aja yg di foto itu, karena menarik buat diliat isinya :v (berhubung Gowther sama Meliodas itu the Seven Deadly Sins jadinya didahuluin :) )
1. Dari gambar itu, Kita tau klo Meliodas itu Kapten mereka sebelum dia berkhianat dan digantikan oleh adiknya, Zeldris
2. Gowther adalah Klan Iblis, karena digambar itu (mungkin) adalah saat Ten Commandments masih baru dibentuk. dan yg menjadi Ten Commandments itu adalah member yg dipilih adlah Iblis terkuat dari semua Iblis di Dunianya (mungkin Neraka, ya?)
3. Estarossa terlihat lebih muda dari Meliodas, Berarti Meliodas adalah kakak dari Estarossa
4. bisa terlihat Galan, Merascylla, Derrierrie, Monspiet, dan Estarossa yg merupakan Anggota yg belum tergantikan (Mungkin bakal diganti untuk Galan karena dia udh jadi batu pas ngelawan Escanor dan buat Merascylla, mungkin dia bakal diganti berhubung dia udah disembuhin sama Gloxinia tapi malah dipatahin lehernya sama Ban di Chapter sekarang.)
5. Dari gambar diatas, kita jadi tau klo rupanya Grey Lord, Fraudrin, Dolor, Gloxinia, dan Zeldris adalah member pengganti dari member yg telah meninggalkan status keanggotaannya di Ten Commandments.
Maksudnya dari Statement ke 5 itu adalah ini:
1. Gloxinia dan Dolor merupakan pengganti dari member yg telah dibunuh oleh Meliodas saat dia mengkhianati Klan Iblis
2. Grey Lord merupakan pengganti karena tidak ada dia di gambar. Ditambah lagi bisa saja salah satu member diatas terbunuh saat perang suci 3000 tahun lalu
(member yg mati adalah, yg melayang-layang di udara deket leher Galan, mungkin pendahulu Gloxinia, Raksasa besar yg cuman keliatan mukanya aja, mungkin pendahulu Dolor. dan yg tengah atas, yg punya kumis yg WOW :'V mungkin pendahulu Grey Lord)
3. Fraudrin adalah pengganti Gowther. Dia sendiri yg bilang saat dia ditangkap oleh kelompok The Pleiades of Azure Sky (maaf klo salah :p)
4. Zeldris, Sang Kapten, pasti menggantikan Meliodas. saat Meliodas berkhianat, pasti posisi kapten di Ten Commandments kosong. sehingga, Zeldris yg masih remaja(?) dan sudah cukup kuat untuk disetarakan dengan kakaknya walau gk sama bgt, Dia ditunjuk untuk menjadi Kapten Ten Commandments, menggantikan Meliodas.
Ok, Segitu aja ya :) klo mau comment, nambahin isinya, atau ngebenerin info yg salah, silahkan, dan beri 1+ atau like. Saya pasti Appresiasi buat yg kasih saya like :) dan Bookmark site ini klo mau liat ada postingan baru :) Segitu aja, dan.... Bye Bye, Semua!!! :)
Minggu, 24 April 2016
Nanatsu no Taizai season 2 release date, some Anime and Games info and More...
Hai semua... balik lagi sama saya ezra :)
Udh lama gk nge-post nih :( sibuk bgt di SMA...
Anyway, saya mau nge-post tentang beberapa info nih :3
1). Nanatsu no Taizai season 2 mungkin release Fall 2016 di Jepang.
ini berdasarkan cover dari chapter - chapter yg rilis baru-baru ini dan tak hanya itu... kemungkinan Nanatsu no Taizai Episode Spesial pun akan release Agustus 2016 di Jepang. dengan hanya terdapat 4 episode setiap minggunya yg berarti hanya 1 Bulan... disamping itu Manga Nanatsu no Taizai pun sedang ramai diperbincangkan di berbagai Forum... contohnya Kaskus dan mangahelpers... :3
Fun Fact:
1). itu karena semua Anggota Nanatsu no Taizai kecuali Merlin sedang melawan Dolor, pendiri ras Raksasa dan Gloxinia a.k.a Octololi, Raja Peri Pertama.
2). Gloxinia is a Trap, Guys!! :l
2). Anime yang rame-rame juga mungkin akan release Fall 2016 di Jepang.
untuk yg ini, saya gk mau janji bakal bener... tapi ini berdasarkan beberapa rumor di sekolah saya (harap maklumi (^_^"))
3). Sword Art Online 3 akan diundur lagi hingga Desember 2017 (?)
yg satu ini juga, saya gk mau janji bakal bener karena berdasarkan rumor juga... dan sebagai gantinya, Desember tahun ini akan dibuat SAO The Movie dimana menceritakan Arc sebelum Underworld Online yg akan menjadi Arc di SAO III nanti...
4). Morenatsu (^w^") masih banyak route yg on going, bung :'v
yg ini berdasarkan Opini saya doang... karena masih ada 2 Route lagi dimana kedua route tersebut adalah route paling Unik dibandingkan route lainnya yg akan ditempuh oleh Hiroyuki Nishimura.
Yaitu dengan Couple Singa dan Labrador, Kyouji & Soutarou... dan satu lagi adalah The True Route... dengan Si Harimau, Torahiko. kedua route ini mungkin adalah route yg paling rumit jika dibandingkan dengan route Shin dan Juuichi. dan yg paling rumit adalah dengan Torahiko sendiri... mungkin kedua Route ini terlalu rumit sehingga dibutuhkan waktu yg lama untuk membuatnya...
Fun Fact: Morentasu telah Vacuum selama antara 2 sampai 4 tahun :l
5). Plants vs Zombies 2, akan muncul 2 tanaman baru lagi... Elecric Currant dan Aloe
buat yg ini, harus yg suka ngikutin dan maniak Plants vs Zombies :)... Update yg akan release secepatnya ini (?) akan meghandirkan 2 tanaman baru, Electric Currant yg membuat pagar listrik (lihat di youtube untuk selengkapnya) dan Aloe yg menyembuhkan tanaman disekelilingnya (9x9 Areas)...untuk Electric Currant, tanaman ini pasti akan release, tapi untuk Aloe masih berupa Script yg tersembunyi...
Tak hanya itu, Selain 2 tanaman Baru, Update yg selanjutnya akan menghadirkan Mini-game dari Plants vs Zombies, seperti Column Like You See'em, Beghouled, dan tentu saja Vasebreaker... dimana ikonnya akan menggantikan ikon Vasebreaker nantinya
Ditambah lagi Epic Quest yg akan release, dimana di Update yg sekarang yaitu Epic Quest: Rescue the Gold Bloom dan Gem Jam... Nanti akan muncul lagi, Beghouled Blitz dan Electrical Boogaloo yg akan memberikan anda 5000 koin dan Electric Currant...
Ok.... Sekian dulu dari saya,,,, tolong beri like atau +1 ke post ini,,, saya akan sangat berterima kasih atas setiap like yg anda berikan :) kalau mau ngikutin, bisa Bookmark dan beri komen kalau mau nanya.... Insyaallah, akan saya jawab :). Let's end up here and as always...
Udh lama gk nge-post nih :( sibuk bgt di SMA...
Anyway, saya mau nge-post tentang beberapa info nih :3
1). Nanatsu no Taizai season 2 mungkin release Fall 2016 di Jepang.
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Nanatsu no Taizai Season 2 akan release tahun 2016 |
Fun Fact:
1). itu karena semua Anggota Nanatsu no Taizai kecuali Merlin sedang melawan Dolor, pendiri ras Raksasa dan Gloxinia a.k.a Octololi, Raja Peri Pertama.
2). Gloxinia is a Trap, Guys!! :l
2). Anime yang rame-rame juga mungkin akan release Fall 2016 di Jepang.
untuk yg ini, saya gk mau janji bakal bener... tapi ini berdasarkan beberapa rumor di sekolah saya (harap maklumi (^_^"))
3). Sword Art Online 3 akan diundur lagi hingga Desember 2017 (?)
yg satu ini juga, saya gk mau janji bakal bener karena berdasarkan rumor juga... dan sebagai gantinya, Desember tahun ini akan dibuat SAO The Movie dimana menceritakan Arc sebelum Underworld Online yg akan menjadi Arc di SAO III nanti...
4). Morenatsu (^w^") masih banyak route yg on going, bung :'v
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Karakter - Karakter Morenatsu |
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Ooshima Torahiko |
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Takahara Kyouji (yg lagi meluk :3) dan Touno Soutarou ( yg dipeluk :'3) |
yg ini berdasarkan Opini saya doang... karena masih ada 2 Route lagi dimana kedua route tersebut adalah route paling Unik dibandingkan route lainnya yg akan ditempuh oleh Hiroyuki Nishimura.
Yaitu dengan Couple Singa dan Labrador, Kyouji & Soutarou... dan satu lagi adalah The True Route... dengan Si Harimau, Torahiko. kedua route ini mungkin adalah route yg paling rumit jika dibandingkan dengan route Shin dan Juuichi. dan yg paling rumit adalah dengan Torahiko sendiri... mungkin kedua Route ini terlalu rumit sehingga dibutuhkan waktu yg lama untuk membuatnya...
Fun Fact: Morentasu telah Vacuum selama antara 2 sampai 4 tahun :l
5). Plants vs Zombies 2, akan muncul 2 tanaman baru lagi... Elecric Currant dan Aloe
buat yg ini, harus yg suka ngikutin dan maniak Plants vs Zombies :)... Update yg akan release secepatnya ini (?) akan meghandirkan 2 tanaman baru, Electric Currant yg membuat pagar listrik (lihat di youtube untuk selengkapnya) dan Aloe yg menyembuhkan tanaman disekelilingnya (9x9 Areas)...untuk Electric Currant, tanaman ini pasti akan release, tapi untuk Aloe masih berupa Script yg tersembunyi...
Tak hanya itu, Selain 2 tanaman Baru, Update yg selanjutnya akan menghadirkan Mini-game dari Plants vs Zombies, seperti Column Like You See'em, Beghouled, dan tentu saja Vasebreaker... dimana ikonnya akan menggantikan ikon Vasebreaker nantinya
Ditambah lagi Epic Quest yg akan release, dimana di Update yg sekarang yaitu Epic Quest: Rescue the Gold Bloom dan Gem Jam... Nanti akan muncul lagi, Beghouled Blitz dan Electrical Boogaloo yg akan memberikan anda 5000 koin dan Electric Currant...
Ok.... Sekian dulu dari saya,,,, tolong beri like atau +1 ke post ini,,, saya akan sangat berterima kasih atas setiap like yg anda berikan :) kalau mau ngikutin, bisa Bookmark dan beri komen kalau mau nanya.... Insyaallah, akan saya jawab :). Let's end up here and as always...
Jumat, 11 Desember 2015
Nanatsu no Taizai "season 2" update 1 :)
Hai, minna... Udah gk kerasa 5 bulan gk nge-post... ini mumpung ada yg menarik nih jadi mau nge-post deh akhirnya.... Ok balik lagi sama saya.... Ezra.... saya mau ngomongin salah satu manga dan anime yg lumayan terkenal, namanya Nanatsu no Taizai
Maaf baru ngepost soalnya sibuk sama kehidupan di SMA,,, mungkin tahun depan bisa update lagi seperti dulu :3
Jadi, yang bisa kita liat di manga sekarang adalah....
1). Nanatsu no Taizai kini berfokus pada kerajaan Camelot dengan rajanya bernama Arthur Pendragon
2). Musuh baru mereka, ke 10 Perintah Tuhan yang merupakan ke 10 iblis legendaris yang mendapat kekuatan dan dikontrol langsung oleh Raja Iblis
3). Hendriksen tobat :p dan bergabung dengan protagonis lainnya
4). Fraudrin, Iblis yg memasuki Dreyfus sejak 10 tahun yg lalu, sang pembunuh Liz (Kekasih Meliodas), juga merupakan pengganti anggota ke 10 Perintah Tuhan.
5). Galan, sang Kebenaran dan Marycella, sang Kepercayaan dibunuh di hari yang sama oleh Escanor seorang
6). Escanor muncul :3
7). Akan diadakannya festival di Byzel/Vaisel lagi oleh ke 10 Perintah Tuhan oleh Iblis bocah bertentakel (?) dan leluhur para Raksasa, Dolor.
8). Meliodas mendapat kekuatan lamanya kembali setelah 10 tahun disegel oleh Merlin dengan bantuan para druid agar meliodas tidak marah dan menghancurkan Liones layaknya kerajaan Danafor dan Edinberg
9). Elaine hidup kembali walau reuninya gk begitu menyenangkan sama Ban yg kebetulan bareng sama Jericho
10). Keberadaan King masih belum diketahui untuk saat ini ('_') (Opini saya)
11). Background Gowther mulai terlihat, ditambah pengakuan dari Fraudrin bahwa dia penganti Gowther yg merupakan Anggota dari 10 Perintah Tuhan.
Poin ke 11 yg bikin saya tertarik dan ingin nge-post thread lagi mengenai Nanatsu no Taizai.
Pertama, Kita memang belum tau banyak siapa itu gowther dan bagaimana dia bisa mendapat gelar dosa keinginan, juga dia dari ras mana? ok kita mulai pembahasannya
A. Siapa Itu Gowther?
Gowther adalah salah satu anggota dari 7 Dosa Besar yang merupakan dosa ke lima. Dosa Keinginan, Dosa Domba, Gowther. dia biasanya memasang "Poker Face" dan memang dia sebenarnya tidak punya ekspresi. Dia mungkin tertarik dengan manusia sehingga dia mulai mempelajari manusi dalam aspek rinci/mendalam.
Dia suka baca buku dan sebenarnya dia bisa baca pikiran. dia dibilang sebagai anggota 7 dasa besar paling berbahaya karena dia bisa baca pikiran dan mengubah memori seseorang.
B. Bagaimana Dia bisa mendapat gelar Dosa Keinginan?
Dia itu memiliki keinginan untuk mempelajari lebih dalam tentang manusia, karena manusia merupakan makhluk paling ekspresif dibandingkan dengan ras lain... ditambah Gowther itu kan gk ngerti apa apa tentang manusi jadi dia itu seenaknya aja melakukan apapun tanpa memikirkan keadaan manusia disekitarnya.
Maka dari itu, Merlin memberinya zirah khusus untuk menekan kekuatan sihir miliknya karena sangat berbahaya membiarkan dia untuk menghapus dan mengganti ingatan seseorang. dan karena baju zirahnya hancur, zirah tersebut diganti dengan gelang sihir yg punya sifat mirip dengan zirah gowther yg dulu.
C. Dari ras manakah Gowther?
Ini masih pendapat saya sih... jadi kalau salah bisa langsung comment ok? :3
Menurut pendapat saya+dari pemahaman saya di chapter-chapter manga sebelumnya, Gowther itu merupakan Ras Boneka, dikarenakan dia pernah diceritakan kalau dia itu dibuat oleh seorang penyihir tua yg memasukkan roh pada bonekanya dan Gowther termasuk didalamnya. mungkin karena Gowther lebih istimewa jadi dia terlihat berbeda.
Karena dia Boneka, berarti dia Abadi dan walau dia sudah dicincang, dia masih bisa menyatu (tetapi beda prinsipnya dengan keabadian milik Ban). Dia mungkin memiliki kekuatan sihir yg berbeda dari yg lain ditambah dia itu tidak suka menyerang secara langsung (terutama jarak dekat), jadi dia diberi senjata suci berupa 2 busur panah kembar bernama, Twin-Bow, Herrit. yang terlihat lebih seperti listrik yg dikeluar gowther saat ingin membaca pikiran ditambah listrik pembaca pikiran tersebut bisa digunakan sebagai panahnya, maka terbentuklah serangan tak langsung seperti Rewrite Light atau Black Out.
Tetapi dengan pengakuan dari Fraudrin kalau Gowther lah sang anggota ke 10 dari ke10 perintah tuhan. ini mungkin benar sebab Gowther terlihat lebih rahasia backgroundnya. Terlihat dari tingkahnya yg mulai aneh ketika kekuatan sihirnya tidak ditahan. dan ekspresinya yg selalu poker face dia makin terlihat mencurigakan. dia diceritakan kalau dia menginginkan untuk melupakan posisinya di 10 Perintah Tuhan dengan mengubah ingtannya sendiri lalu dia mati dan arwahnya dimasukkan dalam boneka yg sekarang adalah Tubuh Gowther yg baru, atau dia kabur dari 10 Perintah Tuhan dan selama 3000 tahun dia melupakan mereka, akhirnya dia bertemu ke 7 Dosa Besar dan bergabunglah dirinya dengan yg lain.
OK!!!!! Aku Cape!!!... please ini masih part 1 masih ada kelanjutannya mungkin tahun depan tepatnya Januari. Ok, makasih buat yg udh baca, yg mau menggunakan artikel ini sebagai pengetahuan boleh saja... dan sumber informasi? itu hak kalian sebagai viewers. dan saya akan berterima kasih untuk setiap orang yg membaca atau bahkan +1, Like, Bookmark dan Share ke orang lain... Saya akan benar-benar berterima kasih untuk itu... dan terima kasih buat yg masih ngikutin Saya sejak 1 Tahun yg lalu... dan takut saya Lupa
Maaf baru ngepost soalnya sibuk sama kehidupan di SMA,,, mungkin tahun depan bisa update lagi seperti dulu :3
Jadi, yang bisa kita liat di manga sekarang adalah....
1). Nanatsu no Taizai kini berfokus pada kerajaan Camelot dengan rajanya bernama Arthur Pendragon
2). Musuh baru mereka, ke 10 Perintah Tuhan yang merupakan ke 10 iblis legendaris yang mendapat kekuatan dan dikontrol langsung oleh Raja Iblis
3). Hendriksen tobat :p dan bergabung dengan protagonis lainnya
4). Fraudrin, Iblis yg memasuki Dreyfus sejak 10 tahun yg lalu, sang pembunuh Liz (Kekasih Meliodas), juga merupakan pengganti anggota ke 10 Perintah Tuhan.
5). Galan, sang Kebenaran dan Marycella, sang Kepercayaan dibunuh di hari yang sama oleh Escanor seorang
6). Escanor muncul :3
7). Akan diadakannya festival di Byzel/Vaisel lagi oleh ke 10 Perintah Tuhan oleh Iblis bocah bertentakel (?) dan leluhur para Raksasa, Dolor.
8). Meliodas mendapat kekuatan lamanya kembali setelah 10 tahun disegel oleh Merlin dengan bantuan para druid agar meliodas tidak marah dan menghancurkan Liones layaknya kerajaan Danafor dan Edinberg
9). Elaine hidup kembali walau reuninya gk begitu menyenangkan sama Ban yg kebetulan bareng sama Jericho
10). Keberadaan King masih belum diketahui untuk saat ini ('_') (Opini saya)
11). Background Gowther mulai terlihat, ditambah pengakuan dari Fraudrin bahwa dia penganti Gowther yg merupakan Anggota dari 10 Perintah Tuhan.
Poin ke 11 yg bikin saya tertarik dan ingin nge-post thread lagi mengenai Nanatsu no Taizai.
Pertama, Kita memang belum tau banyak siapa itu gowther dan bagaimana dia bisa mendapat gelar dosa keinginan, juga dia dari ras mana? ok kita mulai pembahasannya
A. Siapa Itu Gowther?
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Gambar Dosa Domba Keinginan, Gowther. |
Gowther adalah salah satu anggota dari 7 Dosa Besar yang merupakan dosa ke lima. Dosa Keinginan, Dosa Domba, Gowther. dia biasanya memasang "Poker Face" dan memang dia sebenarnya tidak punya ekspresi. Dia mungkin tertarik dengan manusia sehingga dia mulai mempelajari manusi dalam aspek rinci/mendalam.
Dia suka baca buku dan sebenarnya dia bisa baca pikiran. dia dibilang sebagai anggota 7 dasa besar paling berbahaya karena dia bisa baca pikiran dan mengubah memori seseorang.
B. Bagaimana Dia bisa mendapat gelar Dosa Keinginan?
Dia itu memiliki keinginan untuk mempelajari lebih dalam tentang manusia, karena manusia merupakan makhluk paling ekspresif dibandingkan dengan ras lain... ditambah Gowther itu kan gk ngerti apa apa tentang manusi jadi dia itu seenaknya aja melakukan apapun tanpa memikirkan keadaan manusia disekitarnya.
Maka dari itu, Merlin memberinya zirah khusus untuk menekan kekuatan sihir miliknya karena sangat berbahaya membiarkan dia untuk menghapus dan mengganti ingatan seseorang. dan karena baju zirahnya hancur, zirah tersebut diganti dengan gelang sihir yg punya sifat mirip dengan zirah gowther yg dulu.
C. Dari ras manakah Gowther?
Ini masih pendapat saya sih... jadi kalau salah bisa langsung comment ok? :3
Menurut pendapat saya+dari pemahaman saya di chapter-chapter manga sebelumnya, Gowther itu merupakan Ras Boneka, dikarenakan dia pernah diceritakan kalau dia itu dibuat oleh seorang penyihir tua yg memasukkan roh pada bonekanya dan Gowther termasuk didalamnya. mungkin karena Gowther lebih istimewa jadi dia terlihat berbeda.
Karena dia Boneka, berarti dia Abadi dan walau dia sudah dicincang, dia masih bisa menyatu (tetapi beda prinsipnya dengan keabadian milik Ban). Dia mungkin memiliki kekuatan sihir yg berbeda dari yg lain ditambah dia itu tidak suka menyerang secara langsung (terutama jarak dekat), jadi dia diberi senjata suci berupa 2 busur panah kembar bernama, Twin-Bow, Herrit. yang terlihat lebih seperti listrik yg dikeluar gowther saat ingin membaca pikiran ditambah listrik pembaca pikiran tersebut bisa digunakan sebagai panahnya, maka terbentuklah serangan tak langsung seperti Rewrite Light atau Black Out.
Tetapi dengan pengakuan dari Fraudrin kalau Gowther lah sang anggota ke 10 dari ke10 perintah tuhan. ini mungkin benar sebab Gowther terlihat lebih rahasia backgroundnya. Terlihat dari tingkahnya yg mulai aneh ketika kekuatan sihirnya tidak ditahan. dan ekspresinya yg selalu poker face dia makin terlihat mencurigakan. dia diceritakan kalau dia menginginkan untuk melupakan posisinya di 10 Perintah Tuhan dengan mengubah ingtannya sendiri lalu dia mati dan arwahnya dimasukkan dalam boneka yg sekarang adalah Tubuh Gowther yg baru, atau dia kabur dari 10 Perintah Tuhan dan selama 3000 tahun dia melupakan mereka, akhirnya dia bertemu ke 7 Dosa Besar dan bergabunglah dirinya dengan yg lain.
OK!!!!! Aku Cape!!!... please ini masih part 1 masih ada kelanjutannya mungkin tahun depan tepatnya Januari. Ok, makasih buat yg udh baca, yg mau menggunakan artikel ini sebagai pengetahuan boleh saja... dan sumber informasi? itu hak kalian sebagai viewers. dan saya akan berterima kasih untuk setiap orang yg membaca atau bahkan +1, Like, Bookmark dan Share ke orang lain... Saya akan benar-benar berterima kasih untuk itu... dan terima kasih buat yg masih ngikutin Saya sejak 1 Tahun yg lalu... dan takut saya Lupa
Selamat Natal(bagi penganut Kristen).
Tahun Baru 2016!!!!!
\(^_^ )/ \( ^_^)/
Ok sekian, maaf bila ada salah kata atau Typo Parah ok? ^_^
That's it and See you Later, Guys!! Sayonara, minna-san!!! :'3
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